Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lifesize Zoo

Original Inspiration Pin
This is a collaborative class project meant to take up the semester.
       Students will be each be creating their own creature chosen from a list the class makes.  The teacher will use Monsters Inc(this is just an example, choose one based on current popular media and students' awareness).  They can create a general grid for their images and the grid can be a scale grid as in 1 inch=1 foot for scale.  Students will need to find multiple angles of their subject to gain a 3D perspective but will need to have one image that is facing square forward for a
     Students will start by making small maquettes of their chosen monster.  First they will use clay to create them to gain an understanding of the 3D aspects of their characters.  They will then create maquettes using cardstock.  This will be an incredibly complex project for the students.  The maquette serves to give students an idea of what they will be doing in their larger works.
     Students will then start the creation of their large monster.  They will need to use recycled cardboard for their structure and create the structure of their subject.  When their structure is complete they can use paper to create texture and pattern and then can paint any features onto their creation as needed.

These will be used for a final presentation at the end of the school year for parents and the school to see. Students will be responsible for designing the layout for their creatures and any background they will need. They are required to have a background/setting for their creatures, can't just be on their own in a gymnasium.

(This lesson is created based on the idea of a class that meets twice a week)
Week 1:
Day 1:Students will discuss their subject and come up with a working list of characters to choose from.  They will gather images for their character and use the agreed upon scale.
Day 2:Students will create a maquette of their creature using their images, sketches, and scale

Week 2:
Day 1: Students will start measuring their pattern pieces for their monsters on butcher paper and cutting out cardboard pieces needed.

Day 2: Students will continue cutting their cardboard pieces out

Week 3:
Day 1: Students will start attaching pieces together using masking tape/cardboard tape

Day 2: Students will continue to attach their pieces together

Week 4:
Day 1: Students will continue to attach their pieces together

Day 2: Students will continue to attach their pieces together

Week 5:
Day 1 Students will start adding the texture pieces and pattern pieces to their monster.  They can use tissue paper, painted paper, yarn, etc.

Day 2: Students will continue adding texture.

Week 6:
Day 1:Students will continue adding texture.

Day 2: Students need to start finishing their texture pieces

Week 7:
Day 1: Students will finish their texture and will add faces and finish any detailing necessary.

Day 2: Students will discuss their landscape/setting for their monsters, they will be given a location choice for their display and will have a chance to go to their location and discuss their setup options

Week 8:
Day 1: Students will create their landscape

Day 2: Students will install their monsters

Week 9:
Day 1: Students will hold their art opening


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