Monday, November 9, 2015

Origami Lesson

This lesson can last at least one month if wanted, or can be a week long unit

Pre-Lessons leading up to Paper Crane week:
Learn how to fold a basic shape: Not sure what that would be yet
Learn how to fold a star box

Paper Crane lesson:
(See PowerPoint for this information in an applicable way)

Original Image
  1. History of Paper Cranes
    1. Importance of the Crane
    2. Sadako
  2. Images of Paper Cranes
  3. Discussion of different things that class can do with paper crane activity
    1. Decorate the school
      1. collaboration
    2. Make 1000 for some reason
      1. personal project
    3. Use paper cranes to construct paper sculpture
      1. Personal or Collaboration
    4. Plasti-dip cranes
    5. Cut Paper
  4. Crane Tutorial
Follow up lessons:
Students continue to experiment with origami and paper folding, can continue on Crane Veign and create art using the cranes as the material
Students can continue to expand their origami experience.
If they choose this option they must incorporate another art technique into their origami: photography, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics etc.

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