Monday, September 28, 2015

Sequential Stories Collaboration Story

Sequential Stories

Read several sequential books


by Steve Metzger

by Wong Herbert Yee

-Discuss with students what happens in each book.
What happened at the beginning?
How did each animal react?

-Start talking to students about how they will write one together
Start with a list of catalysts
Could be a seasonal thing: leaf, snow, etc.
Pick a location for the story to take place
City, farm, school
Think about who or what would be in this location
Ask the students what could happen if _______ happened?

-Write story and then ask students to draw different pictures of each scene
Could split kids up by volunteering or have teacher do it
Create a class book that tells the story and shows their pictures of each scene

white paper
colored pencils
Construction paper to use as backing for white paper, needs to be bigger than white paper

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